Landing Pages

Landing pages are key marketing tools used to generate leads. As mentioned in the first installment of this series, landing page creation is an important step in search engine marketing today since these sites effectively pull in quality leads and increase conversions.

There are three different types of landing pages that can be produced by using efficient landing page creation software, each one designed to accomplish a different goal. Depending on how and where a landing page will be used, the best results are achieved by choosing the right type.

1. Splash Pages or Welcome Gates

Welcome gates and splash pages are introductory sites used to draw viewers further into a website. They welcome the viewer before he or she actually enters the site, providing a bit of information about what is being promoted.

Landing page creation of splash pages is done to further a viewer’s interest in a product or service, enough to convince them to click into the site. Their main purpose is to act as a traffic funnel, although they may also be lead-generating and request an email address as well.

2. Squeeze or Lead Capture Pages

Squeeze pages, also called lead capture pages, are basic, standard landing pages with a single purpose in mind. They "squeeze" information (usually email addresses) from viewers. These sites may contain a variety of content including informative information, testimonials, media, and other ingo.

They may also contain very little content and simply request an email signup in exchange for an email newsletter, a file download such as an ebook or a white paper, or some other freebie. Once a user submits their email address into the capture form, the information is then typically used for other promotional purposes.

Lead or squeeze pages weed out those who are not really interested in what is being offered, generating leads from those who are interested enough to accept the freebie.

3. Sales Pages

Some pages that are generated by using landing page creation software may also be sales pages that prompt users to make a purchase right away. Although the general practice is to first provide value to the viewer by offering them something before asking them to make a purchase, there are certain instances where a "Buy Now" button is fitting, even for first-time visitors to the site.

Since the goal of sales pages is to generate sales, these sites commonly have more detailed and promotional copy designed to convince the viewer that the product or service being offered will solve their problem. This may include longer, more descriptive copy, customer testimonials, videos, and other promotional content - all with the sole purpose of generating a sale. A Call to Action in the form of a Buy Now button that links users directly to an order form or shopping cart completes these sites.

While these three types of landing pages all function in a similar way with the same goal of prompting action from the viewer, they should be used according to specific lead generation needs. Depending on whether the goal is to get viewers into a website, obtain their email address, or have them immediately make a purchase, landing page creation must reflect these goals. Fortunately, by using efficient landing page creation software, producing all types of pages is fast and simple!

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