content marketing


Content marketing and SEO go together like peanut butter and jelly. Even though both include some of the same concepts, success still requires paying careful attention to SEO practices. Content marketing automation is always helpful for keeping processes efficient; however, without the proper optimization, marketing campaigns will not be as successful as they could be. Get the most from your content marketing automation software by taking care of these SEO details first.

1. Practice Good Keyword Research and Use

Keywords are one of the main components of SEO, which is why it is so important to use the best ones when organizing a content marketing campaign. Research for the best keywords for your topic by using the many keyword research tools available from Google and other developers.

Use broader keywords and include them in your content and other essential places such as titles, URLs, meta descriptions, etc.

2. Stick to One Site Domain

When setting up a blog or website to use with content marketing automation software, choose either www or non-www pages, but not both. Although there is no technical or SEO advantage to either method, pages that appear with and without the DNS show up as duplicate content that could result in web pages being penalized. Set all pages to appear one way or the other within the Google site display setting.

3. Write Effective URLs and Titles

A great blog post or article title should always include the main keywords. Once you have decided on your post title, set the URL to a similar, but simpler phrase. Shorter URLs that include one or two main keywords while presenting the same idea as the full title are most effective from an SEO standpoint.

Leave out any extra words that are unnecessary and only serve to make the URL longer and harder to crawl. Even though you may be using content marketing automation to deliver posts through various channels, location via organic search is still important.

4. Use Keywords in Image File Names and Alt-Text

Whenever images are used within your content marketing posts, increase SEO by giving each one an optimized filename that includes a relevant keyword. Separate multiple words by using dashes to create unique filenames for each image.

Additionally, add optimized alt-text in sentence form to each image. Alt-text shows up when users cannot see the image for some reason and allows search engines to interpret the relevance of the image and improve page optimization.

5. Include Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions that include main keywords and action words are essential for bringing in more and better organic traffic to posts that have been dispersed using content marketing automation.

When an effective meta description appears in the SERPs, it should be composed of 150 characters or less and offer a concise description of the page to help users find the specific content they want to find.

The more relevant the description, the easier it is for Google to serve pages to the most interested viewers, increasing both page and site value.

6. Use Internal Linking

Keywords help search engines determine the relevance of web pages on behalf of users. They improve the crawl rate of pages and add relevance to other pages when internally linked within a site. Find ways to associate your important keywords with other posts that have previously been delivered with content marketing automation software to boost importance for all pages.

Although there is more to SEO than these techniques, these simple ideas work hand-in-hand with content marketing to ensure the best results. Information planned, composed, and delivered in a timely manner via content marketing automation software can reach more users than a subscription list or a social media page when properly optimized. Used together, SEO and content marketing automation can help get the results you want from your campaign!

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