Landing Pages

Search algorithms are becoming more intelligent by the day. As a result, content marketing has evolved into another valued type of marketing. Keeping content flowing with convenient content marketing automation software is one way for marketers to achieve higher ranking in today’s more sophisticated search engines. The other way is by increasing the relevance of the information that is posted with content marketing automation applications.

Find A Niche

The first step in successful content marketing to rank higher in Google’s more powerful search engines is to find a niche that can achieve website goals and stick to that niche. Focusing on one topic and providing detailed, more specialized information about a particular topic will help benefit more than when you spread the focus too wide.

Research suggests that well-marketed niche websites and content receive exponentially more traffic than sites that offer a broader range of information. In this sense, even if you continuously churn out information using content marketing automation software, it may not help unless what is posted is relevant and niche-oriented.

Out With the Old

After determining the best topic on which to focus, the next step in improving site relevance with content marketing automation is to remove all old, outdated, and unnecessary content from the website. Information that clutters websites without offering much value to viewers is known by marketers as ROT - redundant, outdated, and trivial. Such pages prohibit audiences from finding good and relevant information that builds brand recognition, increases traffic, and generates good pagerank.

Make a plan to go through all your website pages, weed out everything that no longer fits your needs, and remove it, even if it takes several months. Concentrate on increasing the visibility of the remaining pages and making content marketing efforts more effective through link building, recirculating, and all the other ways to generate more traffic.

In With the New

As the ROT is being removed, revisit all remaining pages and improve those that need it. Revise the website so that topics are more niche oriented and keywords more relevant. Update website information so it pertains to the present and is more valuable to readers.

Make sure that information addresses the fact that search engines can now understand user queries on a contextual basis. Repurpose information to recirculate it as new posts using content marketing automation. Continue adding high-quality, niche-oriented content while improving the quality of the older posts so they create a more informative and valuable website.

To achieve the best results using content marketing automation software designed to improve the content marketing process, experts must first focus on improving relevance. Smarter search algorithms that understand context and can learn from users will detect relevance between queries and content on a much greater scale. Fine-tune websites and continue publishing related details with content marketing automation by making relevance the prime factor. Meaningful content that is searchable and serves the needs of users will produce more and better leads!

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